Forum Authority

Full Version: Update log 17-03-16
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Maintenance update 17-03-16
Update log #002

  • Updated forum security with updated WAF ruleset.
  • Updated to fix apache handles.
  • Updated directory rules.
  • Fixed broken rules leading to information leak (minimal risk).

Look and feel:
  • Added push notifications for desktop and mobile to notify of quotes, replies, mentions etc.
  • Fixed mobile links.
  • Fixed CSS minification for the shoutbox.
  • Ability to upload an image into posts/threads directly from your device. 
  • Ability to implement a spoiler into your threads and posts. 

  • Push notifications.
  • Share pages to social networks.
  • Updated SEO (ongoing).
  • Implemented a twitter feed.
I like the push notification :D
(03-18-2016, 01:07 AM)MaxBill Wrote: [ -> ]I like the push notification :D

Glad you like them! I'll be rolling out a mobile notification version in the next few days
Great fixes, keep up the great work!