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Full Version: How was the weather today?
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MaxBill Wrote:
Pandas Wrote:

i was just joking   :clap: but i like it  :good:

Why thank you c:
starting to get a little cloudy.
It has been pretty good today, a little rain shower but that's all.
somewhat cloudy and fairly cold.
cloudy and darkness
Raining here.
At the moment, It is currently sunny and mild outside. For those who don't know, I live in the United Kingdom and the season is spring.  I am really hoping the weather stay's like it is today for a while because I do like the sunny, bright day's. I don't like it when England has the dull, dark, rainy days.
(04-29-2016, 04:58 PM)xXInfectedXx Wrote: [ -> ]At the moment, It is currently sunny and mild outside. For those who don't know, I live in the United Kingdom and the season is spring.  I am really hoping the weather stay's like it is today for a while because I do like the sunny, bright day's. I don't like it when England has the dull, dark, rainy days.

The past few days we've had a bit of snow on and off in Manchester, though today was just solid rain... No sun :(
// weather topic moved here
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