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Full Version: Overwatch - What is your competitive rank?
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Hey guys, 

What rank are you in Overwatch competitive?

I'm currently at rank 45, I was near 50 yesterday. But I lost a few games in a roll, and if you play it... You'll know you lose nearly a full rank with one loss.
I haven't started the Overwatch competitive, as mentioned by PrivateDonut, "I would recommend playing with a group of friends, as it's horrible solo queue."

Maybe PrivateDonut, Katos and I could try this out together. Itwasntme 
(07-27-2016, 12:05 PM)Suraf Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't started the Overwatch competitive, as mentioned by PrivateDonut, "I would recommend playing with a group of friends, as it's horrible solo queue."

Maybe PrivateDonut, Katos and I could try this out together. Itwasntme 

Ooh! That could fun! :-)