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Full Version: People who harass you about your religious Beliefs?
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I don't force my religious beliefs down other people's throats.  I will discuss them with other people but I'll never force on another individual.  I don't like it when other people do it to me so I don't do it to other people.


(09-24-2016, 03:14 PM)Electric Shock Wrote: [ -> ]I'm atheist, and I try to not express it directly. The area where I live is divided into two major religious groups: Hindus and Muslims. In there I'm like a poor sap walking in a hockey game between a bunch of angry Canadians.

And you know how Canadians are about their hockey games, haha.
lol. One day I was just about to enter my house and a missionary caught me with my hand on the door.

 I also try to avoid those talk but I said, ok, you want to talk, then lets talk. I almost didn't let him to speak. I started making questions after questions of things I don't understand from their points of view, back and forth, deep questions and even deeper questions. At the end the guy told me with this words "I really don't have the answer for those questions but I promise you I will come back next week with answers" and I told him -If you get the answers please, knock at my door any day at any time.
lol... I never saw the guy again in my life.
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