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What books are you currently reading? None! I'm not a huge book reader.
I'm not a huge fan of books either.

Though, I just finished A Series Of Unfortunate Events - Book 6 by Lemony Snicket.
I've started reading the first Skulduggery Pleasant as I was quite bored.
I've now just finished reading Let the right one in.
Who will cry when you die
the monk who sold his Ferrari


Currently reading Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Marquez.
I still need to finish Shut up and give me the mic, will maybe get it done this weekend.


Currently reading diddlysquat. 
No it's not a book lol
Diary of a Wimpy kid actually. A new book came out for the series so just reading that because I didn't have anything else to to read plus it's a decent book no matter how old you are lol. I didn't buy it of course, I have a younger sister.


Currently reading
You're the One that I want by Giovanna Fletcher.
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