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Full Version: Do you go to the cinemas often?
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When a movie is just being released, do you like to see it on the big screen? or do you prefer to watch it at home upon DVD release? maybe you prefer to watch it online? But the question is, how often do you go to the cinemas? I personally don't go, unless it's something I really want to see, I'm also tempted to buy cinema food, like slushies and popcorn, but it's too over priced!
We used to go but the recent shootings at theaters has us scared.  We now wait for Redbox or Netflix.
There haven't been any here in the past 11 years.  But in the towns next door, it's quite often. Course those towns are much larger...


I watch new films on every release or with in 3 days of release
I used to go to the cinema quite often when I was younger especially with friends. I can't even remember the last time I went to the cinema, to be honest. Must have been a few months now. But now I just prefer to watch stuff on Netflix. Nothing too great has come out recently for me to want to go to the cinema
I want to see Justice League but we are broke until Dec. lol
I used to go to the movie just about every Friday when my hubby and I were still dating.  Now, we rarely get to go to the movies because the price of going to the movies at the cinema is so much more expensive these days.
(11-27-2017, 02:10 AM)JennyorAlice Wrote: [ -> ]I used to go to the movie just about every Friday when my hubby and I were still dating.  Now, we rarely get to go to the movies because the price of going to the movies at the cinema is so much more expensive these days.

What about the matinee shows?  The theater here is cheap.  We can get a ticket for like $5.00 or something depending on the time.
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