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Having a dog is pretty fun.  I have one right now.

Are you ready for Christmas?
Do you enjoy sports?
(12-16-2017, 03:26 PM)JennyorAlice Wrote: [ -> ]Having a dog is pretty fun.  I have one right now.

Are you ready for Christmas?
We've been ready since the 1st of December :D
(12-16-2017, 03:34 PM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]Do you enjoy sports?

Yeah, main sport would be football although I enjoy a few others from time to time
Best place you have been on holiday.
Do you like to read?  If so, what do you typically like to read?
How long have you stayed awake straight.
(12-20-2017, 07:41 AM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]Best place you have been on holiday.
Probably France actually

(12-20-2017, 06:51 PM)JennyorAlice Wrote: [ -> ]Do you like to read?  If so, what do you typically like to read?
As a kid, yes. Not anymore really.

(12-21-2017, 06:31 AM)Sir Twisted Wrote: [ -> ]How long have you stayed awake straight.
48 hours, pretty much fell on the bed after that
Favorite thing to drink?
(12-27-2017, 01:28 PM)JennyorAlice Wrote: [ -> ]Favorite thing to drink?

It would have to be Coke. You can just have it whenever and with whatever really
Favorite video game of all time?
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