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Full Version: If you could change one thing.
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If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? For me, I suppose my ability to gain weight. I have an incredibly fast metabolism, which ultimately stops me from gaining weight regardless of the quantity I eat.
Hehe that's a hard question. I think I would want to strenghten my ability to concentrate on stuff I don't really want to do. Studying is quite a challenge with my quite limited attention span.
I would say the ability to stop procrastination so much. I find myself not doing everything I should be.
Tough decision, there is so much I would change.. Probably my teeth, Since my dentist left me (she got up the duff) I've had ones who are painful, after the 3rd one I just gave up, only so much pain I can handle and they won't put me under.. Middle age and hardly top teeth, thank god the bottoms are all intact.