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Full Version: Requirements to be a middleman
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To become a middleman you must meet some requirements, these requirements are simple and should be easy to obtain.

1 You must have be at least a plus member automatically obtained at 100 posts.
2. You must not have any verified scam reports against you.
3. Your account must be in a good status, multiple warnings or temporary bans will exempt you from being able to middleman.
4. New threads by plus members will be moderated highly and must be approved.
Finally not just anyone can be a middle man so many people get scammed by them because they think it okay sense they have high rep
This seems fair. I hope one day I can become a mm!
Personally the req's should be a little higher. Anywho, I will be sure to apply when I am of the requirements.
Mind as well make me a MM Pimp. Know me from FK.
(10-31-2016, 04:18 PM)IRC Wrote: [ -> ]Mind as well make me a MM Pimp. Know me from FK.

Once I see people trust you or if you get Plus you can get MM. Trying not to pick favorites, sorry.
(10-18-2016, 11:21 AM)DeadSalty Wrote: [ -> ]Personally the req's should be a little higher. Anywho, I will be sure to apply when I am of the requirements.

Requirements will be changing soon.
These requirement like really. Unknown people with only 100 post can just be a MM and scam the shit out of people.
Seems pretty fair, I think the post count should be higher but it's up to people to trust them.
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