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I collect old vintage owls and string art. I don't know why I collect them I just like them and how groovy they look haha. I have my owls in my kitchen and the string art in my dinning room
I've started collecting money, Whilst managing a bar I work at, I've recently took note to the coins we receive from the public, quite alot of limited edition coins. I've since started placing them on eBay to make a quick profit. :)

These new fiver's are worth a small fortune too, especially the AM batch.
I currently don't collect much other than shoes (kind of stopped lately). Love me my sneakers.
I used to collect neca horror figures, such as Jason, Predator, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween and more. Now I collect Scream masks.
I collect a few things from the world of Harry Potter.  Other than that, I don't really collect anything.  I have quite a few books but their not really worth anything, especially since none of them are a first edition.


I used to have a coin collection of coins old and new from all over the world. Unfortunately it's back in my old home in another country.. I should start a new collection!
Nothing at the moment. When I was smaller, I used to collect loads of different things from trading cards to these little toy figures called GoGo's