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Full Version: My Best Logos
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Pages: 1 2
Awesome graphics! How long did it take on average to design one? Also, did you had any experience prior to designing this?
(10-15-2016, 08:35 PM)Robbie626 Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome graphics! How long did it take on average to design one? Also, did you had any experience prior to designing this?

Depends on the logo, these however, I don't know, including research, about an hour or 2.

And yes, I have been logo design since July :)
Nice n clean, I like those!
Looks pretty good, but you may wanna add more details!
That back to back B logo looks really clean, and I kinda feel like I have seen that somewhere before. Looks like a honey-comb in my opinion. It's nice.
Pages: 1 2