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Full Version: [Auto-Buy] Microsoft Product Keys | Win7, Win8, Win10, Office, Server
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I will give a 75% discount to the first few buyers, PM me for the code at checkout. If you don't see something listed on the Auto-Buy, contact me and I will work something out or add it, currently moving and only recently set the shop up, so many things aren't listed.

Note: Slight typo, MAC Editions are supposed to be MAK, Multiple Activation Keys. They are valid for up to 10 computers. I'll fix that when I get my desktop setup and the internet up.

[Image: OtH6qdT.jpg]
Approved. User has shown me proof also. GLWS.
If only I didn't already have windows 7 premium. GLWS and this is indeed very competitive prices and unique service.
(11-05-2016, 01:31 AM)Cyber Wrote: [ -> ]If only I didn't already have windows 7 premium. GLWS and this is indeed very competitive prices and unique service.

You can always get Professional or Enterprise. : ^ )
Or another kinda key.
Good luck with your sales! :)
I would buy Windows 10, but windows 10 is like aids for me so... Yeah.. xD
Bookmarked this to come back to when I need a legal Windows/Office install. Good luck with sales!
These are legit and legally obtained. GLWS.
How are these obtained?
(11-13-2016, 01:39 AM)markusd8 Wrote: [ -> ]How are these obtained?

Bizspark Program.
(11-13-2016, 01:46 AM)Silence Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-13-2016, 01:39 AM)markusd8 Wrote: [ -> ]How are these obtained?

Bizspark Program.

So they're actual copies? Or are they OEM?
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