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Full Version: Figure out Hillary is crooked in 1 search
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(12-06-2016, 08:26 PM)Gooze Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2016, 06:29 PM)Blue Wrote: [ -> ]Is he racist because he want's to deport illegal aliens? They don't belong here, they can come back legally no issue.
Is he sexist because he said 'grab her by the ****?' sorry, but if you listen to any guys talk, they all talk the same.

Hillary would have started world war 3, starting with Russia.

Once again, someone else has done the work for me. And for sexism.

Oh, and is Donald Trump not going to start any wars? Really.

Trump being President is one of the scariest things to happen to the Western world in the longest time, and the Americans did it to themselves.
It is pretty horrifying that a man who has been very publicly racist, sexist, unjustifiably arrogant, very stupid and generally ignorant was voted in to power by the people who knew exactly what he was.

It's like if he got drunk on an airplane and half way through the flight he stood up and demanded to fly the plane claiming to be a better pilot than the actual pilots.
Then everyone agreed and let him fly the plane for some goddamn reason.
So now everyone is 40 000 feet up in the air and their lives are in the hands of some fuckhead loudmouth who thinks he's the greatest when in reality he is going to crash that plane in to a mountain and probably blame the pilots he took over for.

Trump is starting to realise that he's in over his head though.
Soon enough he will say or do something that will get him impeached and that will be that.
Sooner rather than later I hope.
(12-09-2016, 05:29 PM)Affray Wrote: [ -> ]Soon enough he will say or do something that will get him impeached and that will be that.
Sooner rather than later I hope.

Even then, Mike Pence looks like he could very well be worse. I'm hoping Trump keeps the position and makes a dramatic, complete turnaround or something naively optimistic like that.
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