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Note: I did not write this guide, it was given to me a long time ago and I decided to share it. Very high-quality information.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Guide

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of improving web pages so they rank high in search engines for a specific keyword phrase. SEO is divided in two categories: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization it refers to every method you use that change the page code; off-page optimization equals link popularity (more on this later)

Choosing the right keywords

The center of optimization are the keyword phrase(s) for which you want a high ranking in search engines result pages (SERP’s). When you choose you keyword phrase you must take in consideration primarily your market (they must reflect what you sell) , the number of searches for it and the competition for that particularly keyword phrase.

Let’s take an example: you provide penis enlargement exercises. Using a keyword research tool you have these results:
  • penis 70,388.0 /day
  • penis enlargement 5,798.0 /day
  • penis enlargement exercises 292.0 /day
  • natural penis enlargement 141.0 /day

Many may try to optimize for “penis” due to its large number of searches. The problem with this keyword (other then the competition for it) is that is not targeted for your market, the people searching for this keyword might look for penis health related sites. Even “penis enlargement” isn’t going to bring the targeted traffic that “penis enlargement exercises” or “natural penis enlargement” will. There are many other terms related to your market and, once they are found, an analysis of the competition and the searches for each term must be done in order to determine an optimal report between how competitive a keyword phrase is and how hard is to attain a top 10 position for it in SERP’s. You must keep in mind that:

  • Search engines consider web pages not entire sites so optimization must be done for each page in particular;
  • The more targeted a keyword phrase is the less traffic it gets, but that traffic will provide people interested in your product or service so the conversion rate is higher. This indicator is reflecting the percentage of people converted into buyers so the higher the better.
  • Decide on two or three highly targeted phrases for each page of your site

Keyword research tools

Best research keyword tool is WordTracker ( By entering a keyword related to your market is shows other related terms (singular and plural) and it analyzes the competition for every one of them.

Useful keyword tools:

On-page SEO

Search engines are constantly improving their algorithm so they can provide more relevant results. A relevant site is one that provides quality content for its readers so after you have chosen your keyword phrases build the content of your pages around those keywords.
On page SEO means the code page optimization so, in this phase, you should pay special attention to the following:

1. Title Tag

The title tag is one of the most important factors in achieving high rankings. A title tag is essentially an HTML code that creates the words that appear in the top bar of your Web browser. Usually, the Title Tag is the first element in the <Head> area of your site, followed by the Meta Description and the Meta Keywords Tags. These are the general rules you should follow when optimizing your title tag:
  • Use in your title maximum 3 keyword phrases and 100 characters
  • If possible , don’t use stop words like “a, and, or”
  • Avoid spam: don't repeat the same keyword in your title more than twice; it's considered spam. Also, some engines penalize for using all CAPS

2. Meta Description tag

The META description tag describes your site's content, giving search engines' spiders an accurate summary filled with multiple keywords. The META description tag should contain multiple keywords organized in a logical sentence.
Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking
  •  Place the keywords phrase at the beginning of your description to achieve the best possible ranking
  •  Many SE's use this to describe your site so make sure you not only repeat each of your keyword phrases (max 3) at least once but make this a true representation of the page that the visitor will be viewing, and try to keep it under 255 chars

3. The Meta Keywords Tag

The meta keywords tag allows you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with your body copy. How does this help you? Well, for most major crawlers, it doesn't. That's because most crawlers now ignore the tag. The meta keywords tag is sometimes useful as a way to reinforce the terms you think a page is important for on the few crawlers that support it. For instance, if you had a page about penis pills -- AND you say the words penis pills at various places in your body copy -- then mentioning the words "penis pills" in the meta keywords tag MIGHT help boost your page a bit higher for those words.

The meta keyword tag is also sometimes useful as a way to help your page come up for synonyms or unusual words that don't appear on the page itself. For instance, let's say you had a page all about penis exercises. You never actually say the word "enlargement" on this page. By having the word in your meta keywords tag, then you may help increase the odds of coming up if someone searched for "penis enlargement exercises" Of course you would greater increase the odds if you just used the word "enlargement" in the body copy of the page itself. You should include up to 25 words or phrases, with each word or phrase separated by commas.

Here is an example of what a simple basic header should look like:

<head> <title> Your page title here</title>
<meta name="Description" content="Your description here”>
<meta name="keywords" content="Only permutations of your keywords goes here”>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

There are some times when more code is necessary in your header, for example ,when using JAVA scripts or CSS (cascade style sheet) ; in this case it is best to use external files for java and css with extensions .js and .css.
To call your JavaScript simply cut the JavaScript from the header <script> to </script> and save in a file called java.js and call it using this line of code:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="java.js"> </SCRIPT>
Similarly to call your css from and ext file use this line of code:
<link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Keep in mind that the header is the invisible part of your page.

Reserved for continuation
Regardless of this nice tutorial, why is it all about penises?
Great stuff Silent. Just to add to this. Guys always use campaign parameters, always! You got to track every single click. Don't do anything blindly.