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Full Version: Favorite Season?
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What is your favorite season of the year?
I don't know mine, it will probably be fall. 
What about you?
Spring, I love the rain.
(11-21-2016, 04:46 PM)IRC Wrote: [ -> ]Spring, I love the rain.

Same here, spring is awesome.
Fall especially here in the appalachian mountains it is beautiful.
July 8th's my birthday.
Spring, It starts to warm up and it's just relaxing
Summer cuz it's warm and awesome.
(11-22-2016, 02:53 AM)Nece Wrote: [ -> ]Summer cuz it's warm and awesome.

I get allergies in the summer so I don't like summer/nor winter.
Winter hands down.
Fall is decent, but only because it is getting in to winter weather.
I am a very warm blooded person though, and Canadian, so I can understand how most people hate the cold even if I love the shit out of it.
Winter, i love watching snowfalls.
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