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Post below what you're thankful for to be granted the award.

Be creative!
I'm most thankful for my friend which literally let me live with him for 6 months rent free while I didn't have a job. He really helped me to get back on my feet.
I'm thankful that I'm going to get a badge.
Although Canadian thanksgiving was last month, I'm thankful for a Country that has a freedom of expression and a multicultural society.
Okay, but what I'm really thankful for is that my mom and stepdad support me in rapping. I thought my mom would hate it, but she loves it.
I am Thankful to my friends and family for helping me with things that I need help with, and making me have a good life :)
(11-21-2016, 10:55 PM)Cyber Wrote: [ -> ]Post below what you're thankful for to be granted the award.

Be creative!

Cyber, what are you thankful of?
Tell us and you can grant yourself the award.
There are so many things I'm thankful and grateful for, it might sound cheesy but the fact I have a stable family and great health plus an awesome girlfriend with whom I've been with for 3 years now. Thankful my father initiated me to guitar when I was a child and that music is now my passion, thankful my uncle paid a trip for me to go to Japan. I'm grateful for the gift of life. I believe gratitude is the answer to a happy life.
I'm thankful for the fact that I have a loving family, good computer and that super space aids is not a thing! 
I am also thankful that santa is real (Even though people keep telling me he's not..)
I'm thankful for still being alive lol
But on a serious note I'm thankful for the life I have, I have almost everything I'd really want tbh.
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