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Which one is better?
I'm Instagram all day.
To be honest I don't really use either of them anymore.

Never used Instagram and I only used Snapchat for sending/receiving dirty pics but I hated the fact that you can't save the pictures. Unless you have rooted android with exposed installed.

But I guess I would chose Instagram over Snapchat if I'd have to use one of those two.
(11-21-2016, 11:30 PM)On3. Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest I don't really use either of them anymore.

Never used Instagram and I only used Snapchat for sending/receiving dirty pics but I hated the fact that you can't save the pictures. Unless you have rooted android with exposed installed.

But I guess I would chose Instagram over Snapchat if I'd have to use one of those two.

Really? Normally everyone in this generation uses some sort of social media.
im trying to hurry up and get 50 posts
(11-21-2016, 11:31 PM)SlapThaBox Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-21-2016, 11:30 PM)On3. Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest I don't really use either of them anymore.

Never used Instagram and I only used Snapchat for sending/receiving dirty pics but I hated the fact that you can't save the pictures. Unless you have rooted android with exposed installed.

But I guess I would chose Instagram over Snapchat if I'd have to use one of those two.

Really? Normally everyone in this generation uses some sort of social media.
im trying to hurry up and get 50 posts

I have Facebook if that helps. I have around 200 friends on it. Only added people I know and I've talked to before.
Also unfollowed everybody so my news feed is only from pages I've liked. The reason behind this is that I don't care how somebodies baby looks like, what they had for dinner, etc. I only see posts from pages I've liked, things that actually interest me.
(11-21-2016, 11:40 PM)On3. Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-21-2016, 11:31 PM)SlapThaBox Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-21-2016, 11:30 PM)On3. Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest I don't really use either of them anymore.

Never used Instagram and I only used Snapchat for sending/receiving dirty pics but I hated the fact that you can't save the pictures. Unless you have rooted android with exposed installed.

But I guess I would chose Instagram over Snapchat if I'd have to use one of those two.

Really? Normally everyone in this generation uses some sort of social media.
im trying to hurry up and get 50 posts

I have Facebook if that helps. I have around 200 friends on it. Only added people I know and I've talked to before.
Also unfollowed everybody so my news feed is only from pages I've liked. The reason behind this is that I don't care how somebodies baby looks like, what they had for dinner, etc. I only see posts from pages I've liked, things that actually interest me.

Yeah, Facebook makes sense.
I used to use it 3 years ago, only because I wanted to play games.
I gave my password away to some guy and he texted "fuck you" to my mom.
Instagram, SC is lame, I personally don't like it but all my other friends do.
It depends, you trying to look at ****, or get the ****?
Well, I'm in both, but mostly snapchat.
I prefer snapchat as I use it more and have alot of contacts I speak to daily on there.
I've never used Snapchat, I don't really know what it is.
I do use Instagram, I have two accounts, 1 personal and 1 for my Final Fantasy 14 character.