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What do you guys think about trees?
Do you guys have a few trees or atleast one big **** tree next to your house?
Well if so, are you afraid that one day the tree is gonna fall on top of your house because of really hard wind?
That's what I'm afraid of, because I have a lot of trees near my house and I'm just hoping there is no hard wind.
I have a few indoor plants that I really love, expensive electricity bill though.
(11-23-2016, 05:45 AM)Arma Wrote: [ -> ]I have a few indoor plants that I really love, expensive electricity bill though.

I was talking about trees outdoors. But nice! What kind of plants?
I have one tree in front of my apartment, but I'm not worried about it falling, as it'll just fall into this little area where my bike is.
You take too much crack bro.
(11-23-2016, 02:32 PM)Power Wrote: [ -> ]You take too much crack bro.

Power's right though, chill. Chances of the tree falling if it's that big are slim thick.oksorryillstopitsslim
(11-23-2016, 02:32 PM)Power Wrote: [ -> ]You take too much crack bro.
But it's true it could fall. -_-
Sounds a bit of a random thread you know? A large discussion on trees.
Literally thought you was talking about weed. LOL
(11-24-2016, 10:31 PM)IRC Wrote: [ -> ]Literally thought you was talking about weed. LOL

I didn't think about it that away though, but I get how you came to that conclusion. xD
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