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Full Version: Banned / Kicked out?
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Have you ever been banned from anywhere such as a store, mall, cinemas ect... I've been banned from a shop for no reason lol. What about you?
Got kicked out of a restaurant once for standing up and knocking a guy out cold.
Long story short, he was abusing the shit out of his ex girlfriend, so I stood up, walked over and asked him to knock it off. He had the decency to strike first, so I ended up sat on his back with him in an arm lock. Restaurant manager kicked me, my gf, and the other guyand his ex out.

Felt good afterwards, mind you.
katos Wrote:Got kicked out of a restaurant once for standing up and knocking a guy out cold.
Long story short, he was abusing the shit out of his ex girlfriend, so I stood up, walked over and asked him to knock it off. He had the decency to strike first, so I ended up sat on his back with him in an arm lock. Restaurant manager kicked me, my gf, and the other guyand his ex out.

Felt good afterwards, mind you.

I hate people like that. It's good you taught him a lesson.