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These are a couple of scrips I've wrote a few weeks ago.

Requirements to run : 
 - Apache2
 - Stomp
 - ActiveMQ
 - PHP 7 (didn't test it in PHP5 but it should work)

First Code:

OOP Code:

The functionality is pretty simple. 
It doesn't require a database to work. 
The messages are stored in ActiveMQ. 
The username acts as a queue name.
I didn't add a password protected login function since it can be pretty easily bypassed and I didn't see the point in trying to secure it since it was made for my own entertainment.

If you see any mistakes please let me know. Also if you have any advice I would like to hear it.
Nice I guess  Hehe 

I mean I wouldn't use this ever but you know  Hehe

Good job I guess!
(12-09-2016, 05:02 AM)Tap Wrote: [ -> ]Nice I guess  Hehe 

I mean I wouldn't use this ever but you know  Hehe

Good job I guess!

It wasn't really made to be used. That's why I didn't spend a lot of time on it, and also PHP isn't the language for this.