Forum Authority

Full Version: Updates 11/25/2016
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The following has been added:
  • Coins changed to Stars.
  • Coin Toss removed.
  • Coins Reset.
Star Bazaar added:
A bit late with the update notes Hehe
For me at least.
Also the input for posting is a bit buggy, I'll try to make a short video and send it to you when I get home from work.
There goes all my time wasted on cointoss

Also this is not correct yet:
How do you earn coins?
Interesting, so I take it stars are like the currency of the forum, similar to leakforums credits? I'd love to see some more things done on the forums regarding stars in the future.
Nice my dude :)
(12-07-2016, 12:15 AM)Tap Wrote: [ -> ]Nice my dude :)

Hey, if you want you should bet me stars, as we both have low stars. Maybe one of us will get lucky and win them all :)
Nice update! Would help if there was a MAJOR update!
(12-07-2016, 09:40 PM)Karulean彡 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice update! Would help if there was a MAJOR update!

Yeah, there needs to be an update with advertising! I would love to see new users come to the forum.