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Full Version: Trouble in Terrorist Town
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So, does anyone here play TTT? I know Gmod is fairly 'outdated' now and isn't really popular anymore, but I'm just curious. I'm restarting my previous 2.7k TTT community under a new name with my fiancee, so I wanna see how many people still play it.

If you do play it, do you have any favorite servers? What kind of things do you look for in a TTT server?
on a ttt server i only look for good admins and good players.
Well i have around 100 hours in Garry's mod in total, basically 90 of those hours are from Trouble in Terrorist town.
It's basically the only game mode i like playing, never really got into the rp servers etc.
(12-03-2016, 05:32 PM)Fozy Wrote: [ -> ]Well i have around 100 hours in Garry's mod in total, basically 90 of those hours are from Trouble in Terrorist town.
It's basically the only game mode i like playing, never really got into the rp servers etc.

Well now I feel old...
[Image: siuyxn.png]

Over 2000 are from TTT..
I have 2600 hours on GMOD and would love to play this anytime. Hit me up with your steam username and I will add you so we can play. Be warned, I am very good though ( ;) <3)
I want to state that this is now up and running so if you click the following link you will automatically join the server -

It's a 32 Slot Trouble in Terrorist Town server, but I'm currently working on transferring to another VPS/Dedicated (or I might upgrade what it is currently on).