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Basic Questions (Part TWO)

1. What do you care most about?
2. What is your favorite thing to do?
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?
5. What age did you start dating at?
6. Do you want to have kids?
7. What kind of job do you want?
8. How is NF going for you?
9. What are you using to view the site?
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?

Thanks for answering these!
1. What do you care most about? Myself 
2. What is your favorite thing to do? Watch anime
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service? No
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be? China
5. What age did you start dating at? 14
6. Do you want to have kids? Maybe
7. What kind of job do you want? Don't care
8. How is NF going for you? Decent
9. What are you using to view the site? Laptop at the moment.
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC? I have all the ones you listed.
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports? English football.
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads? I guess.
1. What do you care most about?
2. What is your favorite thing to do?
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?
Donald Trump
5. What age did you start dating at?
6. Do you want to have kids?
7. What kind of job do you want?
E-sports related.
8. How is NF going for you?
Pretty good so far.
9. What are you using to view the site?
My Computer
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?
Nope, but E-sports if that counts lmao.
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?
1. friendships
2. art and good conversation
3. yes
4. my friends :)
5. haven't started
6. no
7. character designer and/or community manager/PR. also considering biology, specifically morphology.
8. it's fine
9. Chromebook, currently, but I also use my PC and phone
10. PC
11. no, but I like swimming and running. rock climbing is okay too
12. they're okay
1. What do you care most about?
Making people around me happy.
2. What is your favorite thing to do?
Whatever feels right.
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?
Not sure about what you mean.
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?
5. What age did you start dating at?
6. Do you want to have kids?
Sure, why not.
7. What kind of job do you want?
The one I have.
8. How is NF going for you?
9. What are you using to view the site?
A browser.
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?
1. What do you care most about? Basketball, studying
2. What is your favorite thing to do? League of legends
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service? ?
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be? Don't know
5. What age did you start dating at? 12
6. Do you want to have kids? Sure
7. What kind of job do you want? Computer engineer lol
8. How is NF going for you? Good
9. What are you using to view the site? Chrome
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC? PC
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports? Basketball
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads? It's alright
1. What do you care most about?:
My Family

2. What is your favorite thing to do?:
Be outside with nature especially at night.

3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?:


4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?:

I don't know anybody so no one. 

5. What age did you start dating at?:

Never dated, only been lead on.

6. Do you want to have kids?:

Most likely

7. What kind of job do you want?:

Start a small garage.

8. How is NF going for you?:


9. What are you using to view the site?:

Opera & Chrome

10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?:


11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?:

Nascar, they making a left turn

12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?:

1. What do you care most about?
the fam
2. What is your favorite thing to do?
play COD
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?
Donald Trump
5. What age did you start dating at?
6. Do you want to have kids?
fxck no
7. What kind of job do you want?
Anything that I enjoy that makes money
8. How is NF going for you?
9. What are you using to view the site?
a desk top
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?
1. What do you care most about?


2. What is your favorite thing to do?

Drive my motorbike whilst listening to heavy as fuck metal.

3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?

Hell no.

4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be?

Visit David Attenborough and smoke some real material.

5. What age did you start dating at?


6. Do you want to have kids?

No, I'd be a better Uncle or Godfather.

7. What kind of job do you want?

Work deep in the security industry.

8. How is NF going for you?

Good, made some friends.

9. What are you using to view the site?

Ordinary web browser.

10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC?

PC, haven't owned a console since I was a teenager.

11. Do you play sports, if so which sports?

None, I just workout.

12. Do you like these Basic Question threads?

Can be fun, needs to be deeper.
1. What do you care most about?   future
2. What is your favorite thing to do?   internet 
3. Did anyone in your family ever join the service?   nop
4. If you could visit anyone in the world who would it be? sunny leon 
5. What age did you start dating at? nothing yet
6. Do you want to have kids? yes
7. What kind of job do you want? stay home and earn money
8. How is NF going for you? good
9. What are you using to view the site? a browser and internet  
10. Which do you prefer: Xbox, Playstation, Wii, or PC? pc
11. Do you play sports, if so which sports? hide and sleep 
12. Do you like these Basic Question threads? if not I won't be posting 
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