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Full Version: Almost Drop Kicked my teacher today
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So it's 1st period, I'm super tired and I'm in my computer programming
Class, we had a substitute teacher today, who did not know anything about
Programming, I got stuck on the project I was doing so, I just saved my work
And took out my phone and started texting, 5 minutes later she, starts talking
Sh*t about me being on my phone, threatening to write me up, so I put it back in
My pocket and look over at her desk, not even a minute later and she is Texting on
Her phone, I was like WTF Really. She prompted me to get back to work even though
I told her I was stuck and I needed the original teacher to point out
My mistakes, lol like I don't mind having a sub but when the sub is a b*tch umm no thx
I know the feeling, or a similar case in one of my classes the teacher says no eating and If I eat I get suspended or kicked out of class, but other people well eat in the class all day, hell she even lets them making coffee in the class.
Lol making coffee GG, some kids take it to the extreme and if the teacher favors them then they get away with it
My teacher has done this to me multiple times, I know the feeling.
I feel you, just tell them to write you up, and talk to your teacher about it. :)