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Full Version: Halo 2 Anniversary Edition Confirmed?, Halo 5 Release Date?
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Halo 420. I guess you can say it's going to be hot, or blazin.
Bro Halo 666 is going to be Hellish and Demonic you don't even know.
Well anyways, back on topic. I expect Halo 5 to be much longer than 4.
Yeah Halo 4's campaign wasn't all that long, and the spartan ops kind of got boring. Hopefully they bring something new to the table.
Halo 3 in my opinion was the best Halo to ever come out,
I enjoyed playing that the most
I agree I played halo 3 the most. Was my main online game before I broke into the cod world. However Halo 2 brings back the best memorys.
I'll end up playing this anniversary eddition anyways, considering my cousin is a die hard fan of the Halo series.
I have always liked Halo more but since I have played way to much COD I lost most of my skills.
Honestly, those two games I rarely play anymore. I'm all about GTA right now.
I haven't played any video games recently I have been on my computer to much.
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