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Full Version: Thoughts on Nokia being bought by Microsoft?
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I feel like we can except to see a great new phone with some great ideas in the next coming years due to this, what about you guys?
Everything Microsoft touches, They break.
Well time to switch back to Android..
What do you mean because nokia is owned by Microsoft? They've been involed with the phone for a while since they are windows phone
Yeah I know but if they buy nokia then the phone style and components will be changed.
My very 1st phone was a Nokia, That thing was literally a brick, I remember my friend and I were playing around and he hit me on my leg and broke his finger, And guess what my Nokia was in my pocket haha
I feel like they well put a lot more effort into windows mobile because they make more money mow because they well own the phone also
I don't really know what to say about that. I'm assuming Nokia's UI will be changed now.
The UI well be pretty much the same for Window phones
I'd like to think of this as a good thing; Nokia could gain a lot of popularity from Microsoft.
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