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Full Version: Xenogears
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This game was a giant part of my childhood, and it's one of those where I look back on it as I grow older and really appreciate all the layers of storytelling that I couldn't catch as a kid distracted by the coolness of the giant robots.

Anyone else remember this game? What did you love the most about it?
I've never hear about this game to be honest. But It seems very nice :)
Never really played that game how ever I remember playing a lot of Spyro on my PlayStation!
Sounds like a great game for you to be able to remember it so clearly. You must have been really hooked on it like I still am with the Grand Theft Auto series.
Have to say I've never played it. Isn't it mecha based?
Cant say I've ever heard of it, however, I know halo was definitely my childhood game.