Forum Authority

Full Version: Geekaholic's has merged with ChatBB!
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Geekaholic's (a forum of the similar niche) has decided to merge into us so we can work together and become one as a community. Feel free to check out the new content that has been brought over and be welcoming to our new users. :)
Glad to be joining up, Can't wait for what future has in-store for us as a community.
(07-27-2016, 07:42 PM)Spartan Wrote: [ -> ]Glad to be joining up, Can't wait for what future has in-store for us as a community.

Glad to have you and your team as part of our forum :)
where's the link  ?
(07-27-2016, 06:57 PM)Crypto Wrote: [ -> ]Geekaholic's (a forum of the similar niche) has decided to merge into us so we can work together and become one as a community. Feel free to check out the new content that has been brought over and be welcoming to our new users. :)

Who is ChatBB?

Name of this forum is Forum Authority in case you didn't know.
I have the same question as the above, who is ChatBB, I mean I have never heard of that forum.
Since it seems my original username has been taken, can my profile either be renamed to Sawedoff?
(09-17-2017, 06:14 PM)Guardian_mybb_import812 Wrote: [ -> ]Since it seems my original username has been taken, can my profile either be renamed to Sawedoff?

Absolutely, if you can message me just to confirm that is what you wish your desired username to be changed to.