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A woman in California has been given a life sentence for cutting off her ex-husbands penis, even though he was said to have abused her and their child. Because she had planned it, by drugging him the sentence seems harsher than the Bobbit case in 1993 where she was found not guilty due to insanity.

I think other criminals have had shorter sentences for worse crimes and hope she can appeal.
If he really abused her and their child than it is something that he has really deserved, but I can't imagine the pain when someone cuts of your penis or even living without it. I don't think that she deserves a life sentence. Yes she deserves going to prison, but life sentece is just too much if you ask me. She must've had a bad lawyer to get this kind of a punnishment.
That's the problem with ineffective representation, she is not a white American so I don't know if that makes a difference. A good lawyer would have got her off on insanity and a fixed sentence for anger management or psychiatric treatment.
I think the woman deserved this sentence as she is obviously evil to have planned and executed this act. I don't condone abuse by men but she could have reported it to the police rather than drugging the man and cutting off his penis. I can only imagine the pain that man feels but regardless of whether or you you think he deserved it, the woman was wrong to have done it.
If she could prove that her husband was abusing their kid, she could if appealed get a lighter sentence, for protection of a 3rd party, or extreme emotion distress.
The lady who cut off her husband's penis clearly committed a crime. The evidence that she planned the incident shows her actions as fact. Not having heard other aspects and testimonies in the case, it is hard to decipher whether or not she deserved such a harsh sentence.

The sentence does lead one to question as to whether or not there may have been prior arrests or convictions. It would be interesting to know if she has a history of domestic abuse or other similar crimes. If so, then it would make more sense as to why the life sentence has been imposed.
Typical. Sentencing is never representable of the crime nowadays.
The problem here, for me, was that though it's entirely possible that the husband was abusive, she didn't prove it. She should have at least presented some evidence. Also, she could've gotten a lesser sentence if she did it as a form of self-defense. Unfortunately, the crime was premeditated.
I don't know if she deserves a life sentence, but she definitely deserves some years in jail or a psych ward. I can see if she cut off his penis while he was attacking her; that's just her defending herself. She drugged and bound him, though. That was premeditated revenge. If she doesn't get help, it will most likely escalate, and she may seek more violent retribution for less harmful slights.
I don't think life is a appropriate for this woman. They would have to determine her sanity first. Even if sane it seems fairly harsh due to the fact that he was supposedly abusing her. If her intent was to kill him then I could see a life sentence. I think it would be pretty hard to determine intent as he could have bled out from having his penis severed.
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