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First, it was Moses. Then Jesus came. Then the Muslims claim that muhammad came next. He's their prophet. The one who introduced the Quran. Isn't it that prophets should be good people? Shouldn't they be role models? So why did muhammad beat his wives? Why was he so brutal? Why did he marry a freakin 6 year old girl?!

What is your take on the prophet muhammad? Is he a good or a bad man?
I'm not going to say he's a good person as those things are terrible things to do and very disrespectful to woman, however the way woman are precvied as less value able by the Muslims is much like Christianity and gays.
Wow, I had no idea about those aspects of Islam; Can you please let me know your research material and where I can find a copy as I'm a Comparative Theologian and Islam is still one area yet to be studied, for many reasons. I'm not going to impart judgement until I can see more information on how one knows what one knows but if all of the above are true, I would have to say not so good but perhaps the message found in all aspects of religions which use Salvation as a portal to heaven when in fact, it is more likely than Heaven is a Place On Earth - :)
I think it's very subjective. Good and bad are subjective ideas and there isn't anything definitive. One cannot say one way or the other what's right or wrong, much less judge another.
(09-06-2014, 03:16 AM)Galactus Wrote: [ -> ]First, it was Moses. Then Jesus came. Then the Muslims claim that muhammad came next. He's their prophet. The one who introduced the Quran. Isn't it that prophets should be good people? Shouldn't they be role models? So why did muhammad beat his wives? Why was he so brutal? Why did he marry a freakin 6 year old girl?!

What is your take on the prophet muhammad? Is he a good or a bad man?

It's obvious that he was not. He taught people violence if other people did not accept his religion.
I don't know anything about Muhammad, so I can't say whether he was good or bad. Obviously, those things you mentioned weren't good. But also, look at some of the people in the Bible who spoke directly to God. Noah was a drunk, Abraham was going to kill his son for God before God stopped him. Prophet or not, they are all human and humans are flawed animals. Also, good may be subjective, but I think that physically attacking those who are not physically attacking you is bad.
Muhammad was demon possessed and the quran even says that. He was not a prophet. And now he's in hell. He lead millions astray.
I'm not sure. He was a good man in some eyes.
I am not aware of the facts about Mohammad that you have mentioned here. However, from whatever I have read so far, Mohammad was a religious man. His teachings has been misinterpreted.