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Full Version: Jesus is here!
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Angel Jesus Angel
Hey guys! I'm Jesus! Some may know me from HackForums, my username there is Excryption. Just came here to check it out, and I might possibly stay!
Glad to see you finally able to get on!
See you around Jesus!
(10-02-2014, 01:46 AM)Spartan Wrote: [ -> ]Glad to see you finally able to get on!
See you around Jesus!

I will see you...Under. Get it? Because I'm Jesus? UNDER? No? Okay.
^^ I meant under me as in I'm in heaven not see you in hell btw. Oops.
Welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay!
I haven't seen you around on hf before though.
Hey man, welcome to the forums! Please enjoy your stay.