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Full Version: My friends fb got hacked
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Title lul

cringsquad hacked him sadly they didnt hack they only searched his mail on leakedsource
Got his pw in 3 seconda

They should also learn grammar
There are a lot of sites that use the leakedsource api so you can check if your account was hacked or not. Such as:
I recomend running it on your e-mails just to be safe.
(12-06-2016, 10:32 AM)On3. Wrote: [ -> ]There are a lot of sites that use the leakedsource api so you can check if your account was hacked or not. Such as:
I recomend running it on your e-mails just to be safe.

Yes i have used my fb mail, nothing came up
Yeah I've had a guy from Taiwan log into my facebook, but thankfully they locked it in time. My OLD email I never use anymore was found on 22 leaks, but thankfully anything I still use has migrated from that email.