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Full Version: Who's got an Xbox One?
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Hey guys was just wondering who here has an Xbox One, and if you play online?
I'd like to play with some of you guys!
I don't, and I do not like Xbox One. It's confusing in my opinion.
I'm not normally a PlayStation person, but get a PS4.
(08-10-2015, 08:24 PM)Theorus Wrote: [ -> ]I don't, and I do not like Xbox One. It's confusing in my opinion.
I'm not normally a PlayStation person, but get a PS4.

I'm kinda glad I didn't get a PS4, I know it's a better dedicated gaming device, but I go some weeks with out playing games, so still getting use out of my Xbox one is pretty cool.
Really looking forward to the new DVR system their are working on releasing the One.
I don't have one either but I am considering it.  I would need to save up as they're still pretty expensive.  I already have a PS4 (and use my laptop for PC gaming) but there are so many exclusive games coming out on XBox One that it is tempting.  What would you say are the pros and cons about XBox One versus other consoles?
I have one. My username is my gamer tag
So Microsoft's strategy of trying to include all the things was a success in your case Spartan? Like if it didn't include television and stuff, would you have been less likely to buy it do you think? Eh, I just hated all the back pedaling and general idiocy they had going on at the time of launch - so I got a PS4. Which is hilarious because I was not a fan of the PS3 although I loved my 360.
I had a Xbox One the first day it was released, 2 weeks later my little brother sold it for 50$.. Beat the shit out of him.
I don't have an Xbox One and I don't think I'll get one. It's an Xbox with more TV features... I don't see a reason besides the graphics.
I'll bite. I have an xbox one with many games to choose from.

Halo 5, BF4, Dying Light, MCC, GTA V, MKX, and some others I can't think of at the moment.

Gamer Tag: Groovy Moves
I have yet to buy one. They're just so expensive and I can't afford to drop $400 for a new console. It's a huge bummer because that's what I need to play new releases that I want to play. I'll just have to wait.
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