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Imagine if you owned a gaming company which had games and consoles.

What sort of games would be built through your company and what would the consoles look like?

Would the consoles look like the consoles today or would it be completely different?

What genre of games would you do?
My company would make a console that was shaped like an orb. It would have a sensor that went out 360 degrees. You could set it in the center of the room, and it could detect movement around the room. The games would be interactive like sports that you could play against others using electronic rackets, bats, golf clubs, etc. It would be a sports entertainment system.
Mine would have the option to be voice-activated. It would have a filter you could set for extraneous noise, like toddlers or animals, so the machine wouldn't get confused. I don't know what shape yet, but I would like to make it unique and appealing. It would also have a motion sensor option.
I'd like to make a console that made your entire room a virtual gaming environment. The controllers would all be wearable and they'd have haptic sensitivity and feedback, so you really feel as if you're in the game. You don't just control your game character; you *are* the game character. That would make really fun FPSs and RPGs! Imagine hunting a Fatalis in Monster Hunter with an actual sword (which is virtual, of course, but to you it would seem real because the haptics would make you feel like you're holding a sword). Or battling it out wielding a "real" lightsabre in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Or driving an "actual" car in Need for Speed without needing the extra controllers. That would be great!
My console would be small enough that would be easy to take around. I would want something that would be easy to be able to take anywhere so you could play with your friends. I am super into RPG games, so I would want to make RPG games that have rich, branching storylines. I would make games that have many different possible endings, so that hopefully on your next play through you experience a different ending.
I would have to make some sort of sphere to reduce the over heating problem with most consoles. I would then have a transparent shell on the system for a nice pleasing look -- Oh yeah, it would be red!

I'd call it GameOsphere!

The controllers would be varied between hand controllers and VR goggles.

My Company would focus on remastering older games with new graphics and better controls.
(12-28-2015, 02:56 AM)jobs.venter Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to make a console that made your entire room a virtual gaming environment. The controllers would all be wearable and they'd have haptic sensitivity and feedback, so you really feel as if you're in the game. You don't just control your game character; you *are* the game character. That would make really fun FPSs and RPGs! Imagine hunting a Fatalis in Monster Hunter with an actual sword (which is virtual, of course, but to you it would seem real because the haptics would make you feel like you're holding a sword). Or battling it out wielding a "real" lightsabre in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Or driving an "actual" car in Need for Speed without needing the extra controllers. That would be great!

I loveeeeeeeeeeeee it! I've been hoping for something like this for years, the ability to feel like you're actually living the experience sounds amazing. It's like you're actually going into it. I would totally support this if I ever saw it on kickstarters haha
I don't know about the console part, but I do know about the games. Instead of making games that are just basically a cash cows(as much as money is nice), I think I would go for a game with deep story and character development. Something new and unheard of, to capture the attention of the gamer and keep them enthralled. I know it sounds cliche, but a lot of game companies nowadays have been going for money instead of quality, and if I owned a game company I would want it to be good for the gamer, nothing more.
I would create a gaming company - software only - focused entirely on ripping off the content of companies that rip off the content of other companies. There would be lengthy legal battles over content, hopefully leading to the destruction of two of the three games and allowing the original to flourish once more.

The name? HypocriSoft.

That or a company focused on RPGs. That would be fun too.
(01-26-2016, 12:55 AM)SLTE Wrote: [ -> ]I would create a gaming company - software only - focused entirely on ripping off the content of companies that rip off the content of other companies. There would be lengthy legal battles over content, hopefully leading to the destruction of two of the three games and allowing the original to flourish once more.

The name? HypocriSoft.

That or a company focused on RPGs. That would be fun too.

LOL! At first I thought you were just making fun of my post, it still made me laugh, though.
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