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Full Version: Do you ever spend money on skins?
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(01-26-2016, 10:06 PM)LegendenEDIT Wrote: [ -> ]I've spent about $5 on CS:GO skins. But with trading I've increased the value of my account 40x!

Interesting. How did you manage to do that? I'm curious. Usually the skins only go down in price (excluding knives) from what I've noticed. So if you bought some skins for $5 I'd imagine you'd only lose money if you tried to sell them after a while, or even immediately. The only way that you can make a good amount of money is if you're lucky enough to get expensive skins from cases, I suppose. But is that what you did?
I've actually spend quite some cash on case openings and skins, in fact I just bought a € 100+ knife yesterday :P. Though I paid that mostly with money I made from betting.
I enjoy selling skins for these very reasons. The market does not appear to ever be going away
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