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For gamers who try to save money, what ways have you found to save money on gaming?

I purchase used games at video game stores, and have even found newer video games at thrift stores such as Goodwill. Also, before playing a game I might rent it or check it out from our local library to see if I like it enough to buy it. Our library has new video games you can check out for 1 week for free! Another way to save is to share games with friends. I sometimes borrow new games from a friend when they're done playing them, and vice versa. 

How do you save money on gaming?
(10-19-2015, 12:33 AM)prose Wrote: [ -> ]For gamers who try to save money, what ways have you found to save money on gaming?

I purchase used games at video game stores, and have even found newer video games at thrift stores such as Goodwill. Also, before playing a game I might rent it or check it out from our local library to see if I like it enough to buy it. Our library has new video games you can check out for 1 week for free! Another way to save is to share games with friends. I sometimes borrow new games from a friend when they're done playing them, and vice versa. 

How do you save money on gaming?

For World of Warcraft, I buy game time tokens with in game gold instead of paying with actual money.  Takes away some game time as I have to farm the gold, but worth saving the cash.
I also purchase them used. Game Stop, Amazon and flea markets are my choice. A word of caution for the flea markets: go to someone you can trust or check the disc before you buy it. You can't return it at a flea market and not everyone is selling a game that works. Luckily, all the games I got a the flea market have worked.
Buying games used like the previous people have mentioned. You can rent games if they're short and you're only interested in one playthrough of them. Outside of that, a big way I use to save on gaming is taking advantage of sales. Big steam sales have saved me literally hundreds of dollars, on consoles, the PlayStation Network also has good sales.
I use the Xbox Live sharing system, and go half and half on live yearly and digital download games me and my friend both want.
I keep track of sales on Steam, any additions to which is really good for used games, Amazon's hit and miss- though around Black Friday/Cyber Monday has some deals and Craigslist since you can really walk off with steals. Goodwill's a sham, I've worked for companies that have partnered with Goodwill in the past to resell certain items on other markets and overall it's not pretty. Most importantly though I purchase games that have extremely long replayability value because at that point it becomes pennies on the dollar for what it's worth and you more than get your money's worth.
I get most of my games from GreenManGaming with their monthly coupon code. I also like buying bundles on HumbleBundle. Sometimes even if it is only one game in the whole bundle that you want, you save a lot of money.
I also get a lot of games for free, mostly from places like Indiegala.
I mostly buy used games for my PS3... I feel bad about this, because I don't support the industry, but I have no other choice. Console games are extremely pricey where I live, one game costs nearly half of my wage (I work part time, though...but still). I wouldn't be able to buy games any other way. I hope that when I finish studying this will change. I want to give back to the creators of games who gave me so much fun and beautiful emotions.
Well I just.. reduce my spending. I don't spend a lot to begin with so it wasn't hard really. Plus I'm always saving, so it doesn't matter if there's a new game coming out, I'll have some money in my wallet ready to be used. I don't shop at all and my only spending is really for food and things that I really need like soap, shampoo, etc.