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Full Version: Are you satisfied with your weight?
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Not really. I have a desk job and some health issues and while those remained unsolved every bit of physical activity is causing me pain so it seems I'll remain a fat S.O.B. for a while. Been looking forward to that thing being fixed for almost a year now, and constantly telling myself it'll get better in a month or two, but it still hasn't. I was chubby before that happened and I managed to drop to around 80 Kg, but I'm much closer to 90 now.
Eh I could be a bit heavier, Metabolism is too high. Too busy to go to doctor to get a pill to reduce it so I guess until my body naturally slows it down I will be lightweight.
(01-29-2016, 04:43 PM)Codie Wrote: [ -> ]Eh I could be a bit heavier, Metabolism is too high.  Too busy to go to doctor to get a pill to reduce it so I guess until my body naturally slows it down I will be lightweight.

I wish I had the issue ::D Sorry, I know that it's a serious thing and many guys want to look more manly.
It's sad how everyone wishes they could fix something in themselves, while other people want the opposite thing. 
If it cheers you up, I think that lightweight guys are the most attractive :) (not that you should base your self esteem on what girls think about you, but just saying).
no, im working on losing 20 pounds this year. no pizza or chips either.
I could stand to lose a few pounds, I suppose, but I stay active enough to be healthy. I get out and jog most nights before bed, and I do most of the cleaning around the house, which can be a workout in and of itself. I could eat healthier, that's for damned sure, but... well, I just had pizza for breakfast, and I can honestly say I have no regrets. Not a one.
I'm satisfied with my weight maybe even could gain few pounds
Actually no, i've always been skinny and im trying to change it.
No, I want to lose some pounds. My main problem is that I sit still behind a computer all day, I need more exercise. Recently started running and playing tennis though, so the pounds should start disappearing soon!
I'm not satisfied. I am not fat, but I don't like the way my stomach pokes out. I would prefer it to be straight down flat, and I do have some fatty pieces on my back that just bothers me because I think it shouldn't be there. But that's all. I have always been self conscious about my stomach.
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