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What is your favorite Legend of Zelda game?  I personally liked the Gameboy game "Link's Awakening".  I loved the actual gameplay, but I also liked hitting the chickens with the sword until they swarmed.  I used to think that was so funny.
I love this one too. The plot is quite good for a GBC ending, though I know that some people hated the ending twist. Personally, I've loved it.
I also enjoy Oracle of Seasons - it's as good as LA IMHO. I wish it had stronger plot. I enjoyed exploring Subrosia and the overworld.
My favorite Zelda games will always be the two Nintendo 64 ones. To this day, they're the best the series has to offer.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for me, Never knew there was a gameboy version, might have to search around for an emulate copy of it or get around to buying a gameboy again. :p
I've never, ever, played zelda. Should i?
(01-08-2016, 08:06 PM)Codie Wrote: [ -> ]I've never, ever, played zelda.  Should i?

If you like adventuring, puzzles, and lots of boss fights, then yes, probably.

My favourite Zelda is Majora's Mask. It seems like a distillation of the stuff that made Ocarina cool, with lots more added on top. I love the time-twisting mechanics, and gathering all of the masks is a lot of fun. I also prefer that there are only a few dungeons, with greater emphasis on exploring the overworld. Never been a huge fan of Zelda dungeons, beyond the boss battles.
Link's Awakening is a truly great game, but it's only my fourth all-time favourite Zelda game!

A Link to The Past surpasses Link's Awakening as my favourite pre-N64 Zelda game and is my third all-time favourite Zelda game!

Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are pretty neck-and-neck for my two top spots.  However, even though some would say that Ocarina of Time should get the top spot by all rights for how it expanded the Zelda mythos as its true chronological beginning and was the paradigm shift that truly took the series into the third dimension: I find Majora's Mask to be an even better game unto itself!  As such, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are my second all-time favourite and my all-time favourite Zelda games, respectively!
unfortunately, I have never played the game, however, a work colleague of mine, his missus really enjoys it and has tattoos in relation to Zelda.
It's actually my favourite game series and always get them on launch.

My favourite is Majora's Mask on the N64, the side-quests are better than any other Zelda. For nostalgia and revolution, my vote would go to Ocarina of Time.

I really do like the new Breath of the Wild and A Link to the Past (original SNES) too!
I haven't played any of the Zelda games however I wouldn't mind playing them
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