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Full Version: I'm 15!
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Turned 15 today. You can see at the bottom of the index page :D.

Happy Birthday to me!
(12-08-2015, 06:24 PM)Walter White Wrote: [ -> ]Turned 15 today. You can see at the bottom of the index page :D.

Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday my dude, I wish you another 15 years of life to mourn the end. Live life to the fullest <3
Happy fcking burthday! Enjoy it as best as you can (For example grab a girl and use your imagination huehuehue
Happy birthday! Have a good one. Sorry I'm late.
Happy birthday Walter White!
(12-08-2015, 10:13 PM)Spartan Wrote: [ -> ]Happy birthday Walter White!

And also, I keep getting my posts deleted.

Who's deleting them?
(12-08-2015, 10:16 PM)Drizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-08-2015, 10:13 PM)Spartan Wrote: [ -> ]Happy birthday Walter White!

And also, I keep getting my posts deleted.

Who's deleting them?

I'm not sure, but post like this are spam and off topic, please use the Private message system for questions.
Happy Birthday Dude! Hope you enjoy it, it's your day.
Happy birthday, Walter! Hope ya' get something special :)!
Happy birthday, have a good one bruv.
Pages: 1 2