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(12-06-2016, 02:07 AM)Blue Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-06-2016, 02:05 AM)Affray Wrote: [ -> ]My dream job would be to own and operate my own bookstore.
Kind of a hard thing to do these days with the few major chains and the internet eating up all of the consumers, but it would still make me happy.

Interesting! With all these e-books and such, are you going to have a physical only bookstore, or incorporate eBooks with physical books? I hope you get to own a nice one in the future.

I imagine I would have an online option.
You would kind of have to these days.
But the brick and mortar shop would be the real goal for me, everything else would just be gravy.

It isn't likely that I will ever have this dream become a reality though.
Unless I win the lottery in the future, in which case it is happening with a vengeance.
I actually run my own business right now, so I probably won't be starting up a new one anytime soon.
I'd love to make a living off of designing characters and other art commissions. Other than that, I love community management, so a job involving that would be awesome.
Computer hardware engineering
Coding is my dream job
My dream job can be optional. I'd love to own my own successful small business and operate it. That business would include...

1. Comic/hobby/game/collectibles shop. I read comics, I play trading card games, I play board games, I collect some figures, I play D&D, if it's nerdy I do it. Only natural I'd love to be around it all day.

2. Diner. An old-fashion ma n' pop style diner out in some countryside, away from the perils of city life. A beautiful old building lined with antiques, booths (not tables) and benches. A place where you can come drink coffee and read a newspaper for two hours while conversing with your bestie. Have the best quiet breakfast of your life. Or stop in for the best greasy burger & fries and wash it all down with an old-fashion milk shake.
Personally if reality didn't hit too hard it would be a graphics / web / ui designer and I would love to have a studio in a big city with my childhood friend who also equally loves design as much as I do. I would also like to do performances and such as a side job such as getting paid to perform professionally somewhere such as at a wedding, etc.

But as of now, I am a college student pursuing a degree in Biology B.S. With this I would love to go into pharmacology / clinical research and either become a legal drug dealer (lol) in the US Navy, or I would love to help find a cure for diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease, which is a disease that my mother has and I'd love to help aid in the research and find an actual cure for it, rather than just have patients throw away their life savings for a transplant.
(12-06-2016, 09:47 AM)Soup Wrote: [ -> ]Personally if reality didn't hit too hard it would be a graphics / web / ui designer and I would love to have a studio in a big city with my childhood friend who also equally loves design as much as I do. I would also like to do performances and such as a side job such as getting paid to perform professionally somewhere such as at a wedding, etc.

But as of now, I am a college student pursuing a degree in Biology B.S. With this I would love to go into pharmacology / clinical research and either become a legal drug dealer (lol) in the US Navy, or I would love to help find a cure for diseases such as Chronic Kidney Disease, which is a disease that my mother has and I'd love to help aid in the research and find an actual cure for it, rather than just have patients throw away their life savings for a transplant.
Those are some really nice goals to have. You should get into graphics work, I always love seeing your works on forums.  I'm going to maybe go into pediatrics in the future, or maybe just stick with emt-type jobs. Also, joining the Navy would be cool, maybe one day you get to try-out for the navy seals lol.
I have always wanted to do something in the line of freelance web development or graphics design, I find myself doing both frequently.
Not sure of the job title or description, but something that involves working hands on internationally. Either as an external mediator or as a sort of aid worker.
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