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I'm Devin.
Nice looking forum and nice to meet you all.  Happy
Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to message me. :)
Hey Devin :)

Welcome to the forum.

What are your main interests?
(07-28-2016, 03:34 PM)Senpie Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to message me. :)

Thank you very much.

(07-28-2016, 03:36 PM)RedMoon:27 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Devin :)

Welcome to the forum.

What are your main interests?

Thank you.

I'm interested in the future, past and present. I like thinking about advanced technology and life after the year 3000.
(07-28-2016, 03:37 PM)devindixon Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-28-2016, 03:34 PM)Senpie Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to message me. :)

Thank you very much.

(07-28-2016, 03:36 PM)RedMoon:27 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Devin :)

Welcome to the forum.

What are your main interests?

Thank you.

I'm interested in the future, past and present. I like thinking about advanced technology and life after the year 3000.

You're one of those :P

I'm sure we'll get along.
(07-28-2016, 03:42 PM)RedMoon:27 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-28-2016, 03:37 PM)devindixon Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-28-2016, 03:34 PM)Senpie Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to message me. :)

Thank you very much.

(07-28-2016, 03:36 PM)RedMoon:27 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Devin :)

Welcome to the forum.

What are your main interests?

Thank you.

I'm interested in the future, past and present. I like thinking about advanced technology and life after the year 3000.

You're one of those :P

I'm sure we'll get along.

I'm everything!  Angel 

We will get along for a long time.
Welcome to ChatBB, See you're a thinker, can't wait to get to know you!
(07-28-2016, 03:46 PM)Spartan Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to ChatBB, See you're a thinker, can't wait to get to know you!

Thank you! And yes, I think a lot.

I'm even thinking about you right now.  Wink
Welcome to the forum!
Glad to see new faces, welcome to ChatBB, if you need any assistance feel free to contact me.
Pages: 1 2