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Full Version: I miss the activity.
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There legit has not been a user thread about anything in general in so long.
We need to start inviting some friends.
I have one friend I've been considering inviting, but overall I don't think I know many people who would get on well here.

I think it's more important to focus on keeping old members interested than constantly bringing new people in. We should focus on creating active threads and groups here before we try to expand too much, so that new people will have more of a reason to stick around.
True, once I get on, I try to find something I can post on and it's hard cause I don't wanna shitpost on threads.
Too many rules.
I'm only active on my desktop. Which is usually when I'm gaming or doing other things. I think like most people, I'm guilty of just browsing the Latest Posts section. Try to get into a conversation while it's bumped or hot.

There are reason for that too -- the severe lack of proper sub-forums. I don't understand why there's a sub for Jokes in Entertainment, and not a sub for Movies, Music, Stage, Television, Anime, etc. etc.. People are dumping all their new threads into one section and they are finding their way to page 2 real quick and becoming obsolete. This kind of clutter forces me to not even attempt to Mobile. Sometimes I just want to talk about music, or TV shows and would rather not dig through everything.

That's just my reasoning behind my lack of posts. That, and as previously mentioned - I try not to shitpost by doing the whole quality over quantity thing.
(12-18-2016, 11:21 AM)Adam Wrote: [ -> ]I'm only active on my desktop. Which is usually when I'm gaming or doing other things. I think like most people, I'm guilty of just browsing the Latest Posts section. Try to get into a conversation while it's bumped or hot.

There are reason for that too -- the severe lack of proper sub-forums. I don't understand why there's a sub for Jokes in Entertainment, and not a sub for Movies, Music, Stage, Television, Anime, etc. etc.. People are dumping all their new threads into one section and they are finding their way to page 2 real quick and becoming obsolete. This kind of clutter forces me to not even attempt to Mobile. Sometimes I just want to talk about music, or TV shows and would rather not dig through everything.

That's just my reasoning behind my lack of posts. That, and as previously mentioned - I try not to shitpost by doing the whole quality over quantity thing.

That is true. There are a lot of sections.
It goes up and down i guess, its close to christmas and people have much to do.
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