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Throughout time, it is almost a proven fact that many wise and great people have, atleast once in their life smoked weed..

Now, from the point of view of a 17 year old and all the people I am surrounded by, I can see that majority of people are pro to see the legalization of marijuana.

I, for one, believe that marijuana is proven and tested to be clinically safe. It is also proven from facts, and my own experience that marijuana is a huge stress reliever and knowing that there is a number around 15 million people who are depressed in the United States, I can see how the legalization could be very beneficial not only emotional but also economy wise.

[Image: recreationalMedical-02.png]

That is the most updated map I have found on this legalization of marijuana topic.

A very strong pro sided quote:

"The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day." Mar. 26, 2004 - Joycelyn Elders, MD

I'm curious about everyone elses opinions on this topic, what's your opinion?

(I've also now realize after typing all of this that the timezone for this website is based in Europe, so this whole thread may be a waste of time because I'm talking generally about the legalization in the United States; but if you're from Europe, I'd love to be educated on how the laws are on marijuana over there. :P )
You literally posted when i woke up and im from sweden
I'm not from the US but legalization sounds great for multiple reasons. The consumers get what they want and the gov can get tax money.

Marijuana will be abused to the point where people will die because of it and then it could become illegal again.
How can you die from smoking ganja?
Pretty simple. If it will be open to the general public, some idiots, there are always some idiots, will start smoking and get drunk. They will get drunk to the point where they will have to throw up, but because they smoked Gods herb they won't be able to throw up. Thus alcohol poisoning. And once this happens the media will be all over it.

Another thing, car accident with a guy that has THC in his blood. "HIGH DRIVER CRASHES INTO ANOTHER CAR" - Exclusive interview with WEED HATER about the effects of weed.
Somebody that smoked kills somebody "MARIJUANA MAKING PEOPLE KILLEACHOTHER?!" - Exclusive interview with NO-NO TO GANJA.

You got the point.
There's a lot of money going around this thing and somebody is making big money, no doubt.
Not sure if he/they are so happy right now. The big pharma companies are against it, obviously. Why buy Xanax when you can buy some weed?

I'm totally in for making weed legal in all the countries. But the general public should be informed about what weed actually is. Because right now a lot of people have no idea what it is, they just know it's 'drugs' and they immediately think about heroin, cocaine and other hard drugs.
I think anyone can be easily persuaded to the fact that weed is nothing similar to heroin or other hard drugs like that. Around the world it is shown that medical marijuana is actually very helpful to all ages and illnesses.

People can already be blamed for "being high" and getting into an accident.

I have an personal experience regarding getting caught with weed in my car and the police looked at the weed, took it, took my name, and they said for me to go, as I was very high so I'm not sure how they even just let me drive off with 3 of my friends in the car.
Weed is not legal in my state as far as I know(New Jersey, USA)

I believe most people already are well educated about marijuana?
I believe it's safe as well, however I've never "hit a blunt" before, and never plan to, teachers in my lifetime told me that it's bad for you, when really Doctors are giving it out for Medical reasons..  

I support the legalization of Marijuana, but I don't plan on touching it anytime soon. (as in my whole life)
I have never touched a marijuana, but I support legalizing it. Alcohol is far, far more dangerous, and that's legal.

I mean, if alcohol had been discovered recently instead of being around for centuries, it would certainly be illegal. It's a mind- and behavior-influencing substance that can significantly impair our basic senses and functions, can permanently damage our organs and cause cancer, and is addictive. If it hadn't been around for so much of our history, it would be illegal.

--and look at what Prohibition did! And the war on drugs? Making recreational substances almost never prevents their usage, abd more often than not makes it more dangerous. It creates the opportunity for more drug trafficking and illegal dealing.

I think this video has some fantastic points on why the war on drugs is so ineffective:

So, I think being anti-legalization is an old-fashioned, dying mindset, but I think most people already agree on that. Overall I think keeping marijuana illegal will cause more harm than good.
(12-20-2016, 02:00 PM)Gooze Wrote: [ -> ]I have never touched a marijuana, but I support legalizing it. Alcohol is far, far more dangerous, and that's legal.

I mean, if alcohol had been discovered recently instead of being around for centuries, it would certainly be illegal. It's a mind- and behavior-influencing substance that can significantly impair our basic senses and functions, can permanently damage our organs and cause cancer, and is addictive. If it hadn't been around for so much of our history, it would be illegal.

--and look at what Prohibition did! And the war on drugs? Making recreational substances almost never prevents their usage, abd more often than not makes it more dangerous. It creates the opportunity for more drug trafficking and illegal dealing.

I think this video has some fantastic points on why the war on drugs is so ineffective:

So, I think being anti-legalization is an old-fashioned, dying mindset, but I think most people already agree on that. Overall I think keeping marijuana illegal will cause more harm than good.
Marijuana has a few of the same affects of Alcohol, it does mess with your brain for a few hours or weeks, is what it seems because some people around me have tried it before, and it does affect them greatly.  Although it's not similar, Marijuana shouldn't be used because of it's affects on the Human body.  Both drugs have negative affects, and yes Alcohol is not good for anyone at all.
Marijuana isn't actually close to alcohol.
Also alcohol used to be illegal in the US between 1920 and 1933.

I smoke weed a few times a year, too expensive to smoke it regularly. I'd choose weed over alcohol anytime.
Also marijuana has more good effects on the adult brain than bad effects. So the good - bad balance is tipped towards the good side.

And you'd be surprised on how many people are not well documented on marijuana. Don't believe me? Come to my country and ask people what they think about it.
I know smokers(regular ciggs not marijuana) that have no idea what weed actually does and they still believe it should be avoided like The Devil. Lets not talk about people that drink alcohol fairly regularly (get drunk at least once a week to the point they throw up).

One of my exes which is a student in med school is 100% convinced that weed is very fucking bad. I was talking to her about this while I was drinking a coffee with her, she asked me when was the last time I smoked weed. I told her "last night before we met up" she teared up, almost started crying in the middle of the day in a bar.

Even tried convincing people that weed isn't actually that bad, when compared to alcohol especially, but nothing. Showed them proof, even used the "They give it out as medication the US you fucktard" and the reply was "Yea, only because the people they give it to have no chance and it's only to kill them faster" (somebody actually said that once, never got triggered so hard in my life).
(12-20-2016, 03:21 PM)Dr Zoidberg Wrote: [ -> ]Marijuana isn't actually close to alcohol.
Also alcohol used to be illegal in the US between 1920 and 1933.

Yes--Prohibition, which I mentioned. It made alcohol distribution much more dangerous and overall caused an increase in harm from consumption.

Marijuana has proven medical benefits, so I'm not really sure what your med school friends is going on about. It's certainly much less dangerous than alcohol.
(12-20-2016, 03:44 PM)Gooze Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-20-2016, 03:21 PM)Dr Zoidberg Wrote: [ -> ]Marijuana isn't actually close to alcohol.
Also alcohol used to be illegal in the US between 1920 and 1933.

Yes--Prohibition, which I mentioned. It made alcohol distribution much more dangerous and overall caused an increase in harm from consumption.

Marijuana has proven medical benefits, so I'm not really sure what your med school friends is going on about. It's certainly much less dangerous than alcohol.

Well she also said that Homosexuality is a mental issue, sooo.
Tried to talk to her about that but apparently one of her teachers told her that and suddenly she has to believe everything a teacher says.
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