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Full Version: How Modern Warfare 2 Should've Ended
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This is how I believe it should've ended as well :P

Hahaha, fun stuff.
MW2 was a bit weird with the story, but I thought it was a pretty decent follow-up to the first Modern Warfare. Obviously they traded what, to me, made MW so cool in favor of a more Hollywood-esque campaign, but it was fairly entertaining.
I did hate Shepherd, though...
(01-23-2016, 05:35 AM)CemeteryGates23 Wrote: [ -> ]Hahaha, fun stuff.
MW2 was a bit weird with the story, but I thought it was a pretty decent follow-up to the first Modern Warfare. Obviously they traded what, to me, made MW so cool in favor of a more Hollywood-esque campaign, but it was fairly entertaining.
I did hate Shepherd, though...

It was fairly entertaining, and they did a decent job concealing the fact Shepherd was a "villain."
I saw it though. At the moment I heard his voice, I was like "that guys gonna kill me."
And he did.