Forum Authority

Full Version: So close to 1000
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We're so close to 1,000 posts! I can't wait until we get there! That'll be a small milestone, but a milestone none the less.
Yes, it takes a group effort to achieve such a feat, which is the point of a forum after all. I always like to observe how forums develop and grow. I've been doing that for quite a while now, so lets hope this place arrives at 1,000 posts and surpasses that count even further.
(01-24-2016, 07:53 AM)Luna Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, it takes a group effort to achieve such a feat, which is the point of a forum after all. I always like to observe how forums develop and grow. I've been doing that for quite a while now, so lets hope this place arrives at 1,000 posts and surpasses that count even further.

I hope it surpasses that point as well :) I hope this later becomes one of the bigger gaming forums.