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Full Version: Good multiplayer pc games?
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Not necessarily looking for an mmo, though I suppose they're okay!

My husband and I love to play games together, but can rarely find anything that we can agree on! He's into completely different games than I am, but we love to hang out by playing games! It's lonely playing by ourselfs though! Mmos usually fill the gaps, but I would rather like to try something that would be more like an actual game than something like that. For example, civilization is fun to play multiplayer. Ideally Fallout would come out with a co-op or mmo but that's dreaming! lol!  :D
(01-21-2016, 10:08 PM)SterlingJay0123 Wrote: [ -> ]Not necessarily looking for an mmo, though I suppose they're okay!

My husband and I love to play games together, but can rarely find anything that we can agree on! He's into completely different games than I am, but we love to hang out by playing games! It's lonely playing by ourselfs though! Mmos usually fill the gaps, but I would rather like to try something that would be more like an actual game than something like that. For example, civilization is fun to play multiplayer. Ideally Fallout would come out with a co-op or mmo but that's dreaming! lol!  :D

I would suggest Minecraft, CS:GO, LoL, DOTA 2, and check Steam.