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How do you go about hiring staff members on your forum?  Do you ever consider hiring a teenager as a staff member? 

I don't mind hiring a teenager as a staff member as long as they can show that they are mature enough.  I'm more about maturity than age.  If the person can show that they can handle the day-to-day operations of managing a forum, then I don't see any problem with it.  Also, I look to hire people I know and I've worked with before.  I feel more comfortable with that when hiring on my forum.  Especially if I am looking for an administrator.
(01-23-2016, 03:08 AM)JennyorAlice Wrote: [ -> ]How do you go about hiring staff members on your forum?  Do you ever consider hiring a teenager as a staff member? 

I don't mind hiring a teenager as a staff member as long as they can show that they are mature enough.  I'm more about maturity than age.  If the person can show that they can handle the day-to-day operations of managing a forum, then I don't see any problem with it.  Also, I look to hire people I know and I've worked with before.  I feel more comfortable with that when hiring on my forum.  Especially if I am looking for an administrator.

As long as the user is HQ and dedicated to the forum I would make them staff. If not, well...