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Full Version: Downloadable over disc content?
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Which would you prefer? Downloadable or disc content (games, software, etc.)...

I personally prefer downloadable since there isn't a need to worry about losing, scratching, or damaging the discs in any way.
(01-23-2016, 08:01 PM)Cyber Wrote: [ -> ]Which would you prefer? Downloadable or disc content (games, software, etc.)...

I personally prefer downloadable since there isn't a need to worry about losing, scratching, or damaging the discs in any way.

Well considering I have crappy internet, my upload is the worse (wouldn't effect this though), I would prefer as much of the game to be on a disc so I could play sooner. My max download speeds when downloading games on Steam is ~1.4 mb/s.
Physical copies will always hold a special place in my heart when it comes to video games, especially if they come in Steelbooks.

I'm a collector, essentially.