Forum Authority

Full Version: Why Do You Like OGF?
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Hello OGF,
I want know from you, the users, what you like about OGF. I will select a few of these responses and add them to the new thread design I am making. You will be given credit as well. I don't need your life story though, just 2-3 sentences explaining why you like OGF.

Also, this is not because I am to lazy to think of reasons why users should join us, it's because I could say this forum is the best thing in the world because I own it. But when real users give their opinions on why they like it, it looks much better.
I like due to the custom features and friendly staff team it has.
(01-24-2016, 01:38 AM)Cyber Wrote: [ -> ]I like due to the custom features and friendly staff team it has.

This is one going in, I would like at least 2 more.
It's pretty dank
(01-24-2016, 02:29 AM)inc Wrote: [ -> ]It's pretty dank

Adding this for the lulz :P
This forum has a good appearance, members are kind, there's tons of topics to choose from, and it's easy to navigate through. There's nothing I could think of to make it any better.
(01-24-2016, 05:25 AM)Gemini69 Wrote: [ -> ]This forum has a good appearance, members are kind, there's tons of topics to choose from, and it's easy to navigate through. There's nothing I could think of to make it any better.

Thanks, that'll be my last one. /Closed
its gud fam i leik the colores and peepole
Well, can't say I dislike it. Yesterday I definitely liked it and tonight and tomorrow definitely
I like OGF becauae the Admin / Mod here are nice. :) (This is the main concern i care about when joining or being active in a forum :))