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Full Version: I love when OGF's birthday is.
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OGF's birthday, well official release date, was on 1/1/2016. So now I'll never have to worry about keeping track of some random date like September 13, 2016, I'll just always know it's going to be on every new years. I also think it's kind of neat it was released on New Year's day.
Such a convenient date indeed! I think this is the first forum I've been on that has such a release date. Although I can't say the forum will be quite as active on New Year's Day...
OGF will be 1 month old soon :D Will we be celebrating it or giving out some rewards? :D
(01-26-2016, 07:12 AM)G2G Wrote: [ -> ]OGF will be 1 month old soon :D Will we be celebrating it or giving out some rewards? :D

I don't know :/ I might see if I could get the owner of Ven0m to give away free 1 month access to the priv8 hack. Also, I might get some UBs for upgrades (spoilers)